Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Gameplay / UI Weekly Update - Canvas HUD Test

This week I've been working on a basic UI for the game. In order to get this working, I've been studying the Canvas and HUD classes. The fist one allow me to draw on screen (text, figures, symbols, textures, etc.) and the second one if for more user driven displays (like the cross-air).

So far I've been going through this classes to see what kind of methods is available and which one is the information that can be displayed. I've make a new class in UDK for our interface, which displays the health, character name, current weapon and ammo. All this variables are updated in real time.

As it is shown in the picture, there is some problems with the long names for the weapons and the character names, I've been trying to figure this out and it has to do with some clipping problem, in which I'm working right now.

This is by no means the final UI or HUD that we are going to be using, just a place holder, so we now how to show the information and the variables that we need to use. Also the functions have been created in a way that the resolution or aspect ratio in which the game is played, won't affect it.

More elements are going to be incorporated, once they are being programmed into the game (food for example). Also, I have already started doing research on how the menus are created and handled. Finally a talk with Craig will be needed, to define if he has some ideas for the HUD, since a texture-template can be created with all the elements, to be called by the coordinates on the image.

This week, I'm going to continue working on the UI and menus for the game.

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