Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gameplay / UI Weekly Update - Working Scaleform HUD

This week the HUD is fully working!! It took more time than expected because the classes that I mentioned on the last post (MinimapHUD and HUDWrapper) that I was extending, had to be created completely from scratch; since removing and/or using its methods for our custom game was creating to much warnings in the code.

Functions for setting the initial values for all the parameters in the HUD have been created, along with all the "ticking" functions for each one of them. The Queen's health has a especial function, since it is a "placeable" class. Kismet action sequences had to be created in order to keep track of her health and reflect it on the screen.

Validations have been added into the game too. For example, now the game is not limited to only one food pile per team and also a check is made before the food is deposited, in order to allow only members of the corresponding team to deposit on it.

The only field that has not been programmed yet is the weapon name, since the weapons name are not defined yet and I need to set the text field to have a specific number of letters as the maximum.

The coding on the food pile HUD is being done right now.

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