Well, we now have a beautiful looking world for the outdoor portion of the level. Lots of green grass walls break up the playing field into more managable paths for the player to choose from. It starts to look a little more like what you'd expect and ant to see.
That grass be tall!
You may also notice that I managed to switch the crosshair to be a new one that I made in Photoshop. The bite weapon also has a new crosshair.
This is the view as you walk out of one of the colony exits.
All throughout the field, there are many smaller trenches for you to duck into for extra cover. Or brave staying up top for a faster trip to the enemy's lair.
Go under that suspicious looking bridge, or just run for it?
Off on the sides, you can get really walled off from the middle portion, allowing you to focus on what's in front of you.
There could be an enemy ahead, but we can't tell because this stupid rock is in our way.
And finally, in the very middle is an open brawling area. It has two hills on either side for you to charge over and into the brawl, but that leaves you exposed. The other option is to sneak through the thick grass surrounding that area. You'll be better covered, but you'll have a harder time seeing what's going on in the middle.
Is anyone there?
Well, all of that is good and everything, but what about getting rid of that dang default robot model and getting some ants in here? Well, wait no more! I've gotten our ant in. Here's a video I made showing a little more of how the outside looks, how the weapons sound, the background music, and the ant! Unfortunatly, there's a few problems, but we'll worry about those later.
Well, isn't he the friendly sort?
So, obviously, the animation set is not configured correctly. I should be able to fix that on my own tomorrow, there's just a lot of settings and I probably goofed one of them somewhere. So for the moment, he's a floater. Also, he uses the default UDK gun at the moment, but he won't in the final game. And, if he does get his hands on a gun, he won't be firing it from his face.
So, I'm going to try and get better about updating on a regular basis and keep you guys informed. Until then.
WOOT! Looking great. I know there's lots more work to be done, but this is awesome. Even Mom says "cool".